Jump Horse!



Jump Horse! (in italian Zompa Cavallo!) is an italian card game, tipical of the Christmas time. At least 2 players are required, but the game is funnier with 6 or more people.

The name means the particular behaviour that the card with the horsemen has in this game.

Before starting

Each player starts with 4 fiches. The first dealer shuffles the deck, then the first round starts.


The dealer take the first card and says loudly the name of the first player to the right. The following is what can happen:

  • the card is an ace, the called player pays 2 fiches and put them in the center of the table; if the player has only 1 fiche, also the first following player must pay a fiche (when an ace occurs 2 fiches must always be payed);
  • the card is a "fante", the called player pays 1 fiche to the previous player;
  • the card is a horsemen, the called player pays 1 fiche to the player that is two places after;
  • the card is a king, the called player takes 1 fiche back from the center of the table;
  • nothing happens for the other cards.

The round ends when all cards are taken from the deck. 4 fiches should be in the center of the table. At this point, the player next to the dealer, on the right, becomes the new dealer and a new round begins.

The game ends if all but one player have lost their fiches and he wins the game, independently if the round is ended or not.

The dead

When a player has no more fiches he is called dead. When the dealer calls the cards, a dead player is not counted, but he can come back to the game receiving a fiche from another player (with a "fante" or an horsemen) or making other non dead player speak with him.

If a player speaks with a dead, this player gives him a fiche.

The dealer can speak with everybody without losing fiches. The dealer can also be a dead and can take fiches back in the same way as the other players.


It's up to you to choose what happen if a player is called with a king card but there are still no fiches on the table.

You can also make the game funnier adding new rules to the cards. Here are some tips:

  • with a given card all players give a fiche to the following or preceding player;
  • with a given card all dead players take a fiche from the following or preceding player;
  • a player can bet to the following card to earn fiches;
  • ...